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Recommended Roles

The following is a list of recommended roles for ContentWelder.

Role Description Entitlements
Orderer A user must have the ability to browse your catalog and add items to the cart for ordering. Without this user role, you can create a very extensive catalog but users will be unable to access it.

Order: Edit, Submit, Delete, Reorder

OrderItem: Edit, Delete, MovetoCart, SaveForLater, Reorder

Order Approver A user that is authorized to approve any orders that are in the approval cycle. Even if you don't yet have approval rules configured, it is always recommended to have the OrderApprover role so that when you need it, it's available. Order: Approve, Reject
Content Manager Responsible for managing the content of the catalog item(s). PrintOnDemand: Add, Edit, View, Delete, Approve

AdHoc: Add, Edit, View, DefinePrintOptions, Delete, Approve

Personalized: Add, Edit, View, Delete, Approve, SaveForLater, Reorder

For Content Managers, having one role that allows a user to manage all catalog item types makes sense. However, depending on your administrative users skill set, for some of the more complex documents, such as 'personalized' catalog items, you may want to eventually consider creating a more granular structure.